

There once was a land. So far and fine, Full of dreams and thoughts. The place people came when they dreamed, the place people came when they slept. So far and so high that no one could reach. And yet if you close your eyes, you are there! The creator created it So man could dream, He is long gone but his memory still lingers, To us he is known as god! The people there live only to give you dreams. Their life is a job much like in theatre, They act out your dreams, They make you happy, Without them we would have the most boring sleep. Neel Rangan, 9Palo Alto, CA

A Dream of Chaos

The sound of thunder and rain thrashing around, clinging to the Empire State Building. As it flails and turns, I jump through the window. As the small bang of me landing gets swallowed by the sound of thunder, I jump down the narrow stairs just as I hear fireworks. And then I see it. The tiles flying in the air. I hear a small voice. It gets louder and louder until I see a huge flash of light. And then New York is all fine. And giant whale-like things flying are just the sound of morning doves. Atlas William Iacobucci, 9New Haven, CT