
July/August 2005

A Shore Thing

I looked down at my watch; it was already five past six. Where are they? It was starting to annoy me that they were late again. The plan was that we would meet at the bench under the third streetlight at exactly six o’clock to go swimming. The ocean was at low tide at exactly […]

Once Upon a Marigold

Once Upon a Marigold, by Jean Ferris; Harcourt, Inc.: New York, 2002; $17 What if you were a princess who lived a perfect, happy life except for one minor problem—your mother kept trying to marry you off to a boring royal suitor so she could become queen? What if you had never met or talked […]


I felt like my heart had been hit by a semi truck. I stared at my parents in stunned silence. They sat across from me; their anxious faces looked at me in hesitant anticipation. “What?” I choked out. My throat was tight and my stomach was in knots. “You can’t do that!” I said, tears […]