
November/December 2006

Piggy Bank

The airport is packed. It’s so hot! I wish they had air-conditioning inside the Managua airport. Managua is the capital of Nicaragua. It’s nighttime. I can’t believe it can be this hot at night. I don’t want to know how hot it gets to be during the day. When the porter is taking our bags […]

Tested Dreams

A nine-year-old girl sat on her parents’ bedroom window seat looking out at the stormy, gray sky It’s going to rain, thought the girl. It’s going to mimic how I feel. Slowly the girl lowered her tear-filled brown eyes to her right knee. It felt a little better now, but just a day earlier she […]

The Rhyming Season

The Rhyming Season, by Edward Averett; Clarion Books: New York, zoo5; $16 When Brenda Jacobsen’s brother Benny died, basketball was never the same again. It wasn’t just basketball that changed. Her mom and dad didn’t get along well and then the lumber mill shut down. The whole town just seemed upside-down, especially when Brenda’s high […]