How the sea looked so different at night than at day I will never forget. How the sea lapped at my toes, moving up with the tide, to my ankles, knees, and eventually to my head.
I was engulfed by the sea. Every time I lifted my head up to breathe in the salty air I noticed how beautiful the moonlight caught the waves, how the symphony of the ocean crashing against the rock was so enchanting.
And then silence. The ocean current had transported me to the sea, miles from shore, where I began to sink down, down, down until I landed on the soft bed of sand.
I watched the bubbles float up from my laughing mouth and fantasized over the beautiful fish, dancing across my vision.
Eventually I floated back to the surface, where the renewed current swifted me past miles of glinting, silent beauty.
I landed back on the shore, where the sea lapped at my head, eventually going down to my knees, my ankles, and toes, until it retreated from my grasp.