Stay Creative with Stone Soup

Our Weekly Creativity prompts challenge you to make a piece of writing (a poem, a journal entry, a story outline, a review) or art, or music, or a spoken word recording, or other piece of creative work. All the prompts we have written are brought together on this page – see below. The first prompt of the month is also a Flash Contest!

You can find more writing and art activities on our Activities pages.

Sign up to the mailing list to receive a weekly email that brings the Weekly Creativity prompt and links to our Book Club and Writing Workshop bookings right to your mailbox!

Creativity Prompts

Write a modern retelling of a myth or fairytale. Try rewriting Robin Hood or the Three Little Pigs! ...
Look around Pinterest for the weirdest piece of art you can find, then write a story about it ...
Write a story from the POV of your favorite toy or stuffed animal. Think Toy Story! Is your favorite toy heroic like Woody and Buzz? What adventures does it go on when you're not around? ...
Take a photo where the subject is blurry. It could be a portrait of a flower blowing in the wind or a soccer ball flying through the air ...
Write a story where the main character investigates if self-playing pianos truly are self-playing ...
Draw your pet (or a friend’s pet) as a fantasy creature ...
Write a story based on one of your favorite songs. Include the title of the song at the top of your submission ...
Make a reading list for your favorite character. Do they like fantasy, sci-fi, or cozy mysteries? The books don’t even have to exist. Try making up your own titles! ...
Create a soundtrack for a short story, then (working backwards) write the story to fit the soundtrack ...
Invent a sport (it doesn’t have to be realistic). Write a handbook with rules/instructions, and draw an example of a team’s uniform ...