
Young Bloggers

Scar Island, Reviewed by Arjun Nair, 12

It is said that guilt is perhaps the most painful companion of death, but Jonathan Grisby feels he deserves far worse. After a terrible accident that leaves his family in despair, Jonathan takes responsibility for a crime that he did not commit. He is soon sent to the Slabhenge Reformatory School, a place that was […]

The Rise of Nintendo by Schamil Saeed, 11

Nintendo. The console that changed the world, for 40 years and still going, there’s no escaping that video games have influenced multiple generations. We’ve all seen the ads; Mario’s mustachioed visage is as familiar to us as Santa Claus or Uncle Sam. But how exactly did this come to be? To figure this out, we […]

Scythe, Reviewed by Emily Ke, 12

I know. To think about the end of life, death, is a topic that everyone is scared to talk about. It is depressing to be honest, but after I read the sci-fi page-turner Scythe by Neal Shusterman, I wasn’t scared anymore. In fact, it made me appreciate life more. Through this book, I went into […]