

Zachary, Sophie

The first day of seventh grade our teacher, Mrs. Mahoney, took attendance. Each name was called and answered. None of them were new. We had all known each other since at least fourth grade. My name, always the last to be called, finally came. “Whitby, Sam.” I responded, “Here!” But unusually, she didn’t stop there. [...]

The Giving Stone

I stared at my shoes as I walked to the 6th grade door. I sighed, and pushed some of my long, dark brown hair out of my face. It was a Monday, and on Saturday, the worst thing ha happened. My parakeet Willow died. Willow was my best friend; she was always there to cheer [...]

The Runaway

“Go to your room!” my mom shouted. “It’s not all because of Rose—it just didn’t work out this year!” “Didn’t work out because of her!” I said and stomped upstairs into my room. I knew I was acting like a baby. As my strict English teacher, Mrs. Hood, would say, “Grade six or age six?” [...]


We dig holes, In the grainy sand I dig mine, like a dog, the dog I wish I'd had then, When we ran across the sand, laughter surrounds us. A small sand crab scuttles over my foot Daddy holds me Just over the waves The water tickles my feet and I squeal As he picks [...]

Moonlight Under Water

The last look Of the scraggly trees Scraping their black fingernails Across the wistful shingles Of the buildings The last breath of moonlight, Whispering on the curtains Shall forever slumber In my iris The last smell of sheer power, Radiating off the skyscrapers And the smell of the cigarette from the man with the Rusty [...]


Forest Creature

Artist Portfolio: Li Lingfei

When the 15th day of the 8th lunar month comes, the moon becomes completely round. We would reunite with our families. This is our ship shaped like a bird that can take us to where the moon is. Because I think the fairy Chang'e is lonely on the moon with her rabbit everyday. So I [...]

Peeking Through

Hidden Moon


Stone Soup Honor Roll: March 2018

Welcome to the Stone Soup Honor Roll! We receive hundreds of submissions every month by kids from around the world. Unfortunately, we can't publish all the great work we receive. So we created the Stone Soup Honor Roll. We commend all of these talented writers and artists and encourage them to keep creating. – The [...]

The War That Saved My Life

The War That Saved My Life by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley Dial Books for Young Readers: New York, 2015; $11.89 When I sat down to read the book The War That Saved My Life by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley, I thought it was a crummy book. But the more I got into the book, the more I [...]