My Account FAQ
General FAQ
Q: I’d like to be removed from the newsletter and Weekly Creativity mailing lists, but still receive all billing information.

A: Unsubscribe from the newsletter and Weekly Creativity mailing lists by following the instructions above. This will remove you from those mailing lists but not remove you from our system that sends billing information; you will still receive updates about your account and subscription.

Q: Do you offer a 6-month subscription?

A: While we do not offer a specific 6-month subscription option, you can purchase a month-by-month subscription and cancel whenever you like.

Q: I purchased a copy of Stone Soup magazine and it hasn’t arrived.

If you purchased a single issue(s) of Stone Soup in our online store, amazon.com/stonesoup, and it never arrived, please write to us at subscriptions@stonesoup.com.

Is your question not answered above? Email us at subscriptions@stonesoup.com for further help.


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