Memoir has the spotlight in this issue. In these pages, you will find Georgia Marshall’s interview with her grandfather, which is at once a tribute, a biography in miniature, and a thoughtful reflection on what makes a good life. You will find two personal stories, Louise Johnson’s “Unconditional” and Misha Joksic’s “The Deadly Pain”—both difficult stories to live through and to tell, both fully and beautifully realized. Finally, you will find Noah Xia’s “The Magic Desk,” a lovely meditation on the object at the center of the writer’s creative life. I hope you will read these pieces and be reminded of all the forms and subjects you can address in nonfiction!
Lastly, I want to call attention to this month’s incredible cover art by Ivory Vanover, which—in addition to being just a beautiful, intricate painting—captures the way one’s mind fills with images and action when reading a very good book, or writing one.
There is so much more amazing work within our pages this month—enjoy it all.
Happy holidays!