

Daily Creativity #33: Consider your Color Choices

Compose a piece of art (it can be photography, painting, drawing, or any medium) and think about your color choices ...

Daily Creativity #32: Find Inspiration in a Family Tradition

Write a poem or create a piece of art about a family tradition ...

Weekly Writing Workshop #5, Friday May 1, 2020: Where I’d Like To Be

An update from our fifth weekly writing workshop A summary of this week’s project, plus some of the output published ...

Daily Creativity #31 | Flash Contest: Draw or Paint a Scene from a Book You’re Reading

Draw or paint a scene from a book you are reading, or have read. This is a Monday prompt, so ...
Mirror Mirror

Daily Creativity #30: Write a Collaborative Story

Write a collaborative story with a family member or a friend (digitally, if you don’t live together!). Each person participating ...
A photograph of two people opening the blinds.

Daily Creativity #29: Write New Dialogue for a Movie Scene

Watch this movie scene with the sound off, writing your own dialogue. Use that imagined dialogue as the basis for ...