I shared
My apricot
With a bird.
It said,
“Thank you.”
I don’t know when the bird started talking.
It wrapped me in its arms.
It had a gentle grip.
Such a gentle grip.
Too gentle of a grip, I thought.
I don’t know
When the bird grew arms.
All I know
Are my thoughts.
Right then I was thinking this was not a good way to show gratitude.
I didn’t know
Where it was taking me.
But then the bird vanished.
Its gentle grip was gone.
And I was falling.
I landed
In a queer place.
Above me
Stood a human with a beak.
And I knew at once
That it was Carry,
The animal I shared my apricot with.
All I could think was the
Sweet, sweet fact
That above me there were several apricots.
And I wanted to have one.
For I had shared mine earlier today
With a bird.
Bronx, New York