Stone Soup is the magazine and website entirely written and illustrated by kids age 13 and younger. Now in its fifth decade, Stone Soup has been inspiring children to read, write and create their own artworks for publication in our magazine since 1973. If you want to be amazed by the quality of children’s creative output, and inspire the kids in your life, look no further than Stone Soup. There is nothing else like it.
With a Stone Soup subscription, the children in your life are inspired by:
- Eleven beautifully produced print issues every year
- New writing, art and photography by kids on on our blog every week
- Book reviews by the readers themselves, from classics to new work
- Access to 20+ years of back issues in our online archive
- Regular contests
- Creative prompts, writing, and art activities to develop their own creative talents
- Free submissions of their work for consideration for publication
Hit the red Subscribe button today and join our creative community!
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