I want make it be dark
I want it way, way, way dark.
I gonna get bigger, bigger
and the whole world gonna shine
and I gonna be the sun
and there be lines on me
not any head, not any bottom.
I be a face
and I be the dark
and I be the light
and I be the shining
and I be the sun
and shine the people
and they say, there's the sun max,
make the big bird,
and he's gonna ride in the train
and he's gonna hold a little tiny baby,
he plays and frays,
and wash his face,
and plays trucks, and gacks,
and the whole world is proud,
me writing good stories.
I didn't make it up,
it come from the sun.
By James Anatole Lindbloom, 3 1/2 (transcribed by his mother)
Poughkeepsie, New York