Welcome to the Stone Soup Honor Roll! We receive hundreds of submissions every month by kids from around the world. Unfortunately, we can't publish all the great work we receive. So we created the Stone Soup Honor Roll. We commend all of these talented writers and artists and encourage them to keep creating. – The Editors
Scroll down to see all the names (alphabetical by section), including book reviewers and artists.
Ella Bushaw, 10
Nyla Kurapati, 8
Ava Shorten, 11
Jiacheng Yu, 6
Mussharat Prottoyee, 8
Ava Anderson, 11
Stephen Eidson, 13
Teresa He, 11
Keira Huang, 11
Harper Clark, 10
William Grammatis Cooke, 13
Harper Eves, 8
Maya Mourshed, 9
Eric Muller, 10
Aishwarya Vemulakonda, 9
Leilani Wurdak, 8
Michaela Frey, 13
Violet Galati, 8
Zola Gargano, 13
Apoorv Gupta, 12
Hiyaa Kashyap, 10
Olivia Lee, 10
Aaria Nair, 13
Graham Oakey, 11
Ilsa Peterson, 12
Taylor Rooney, 8
Isaac Weng, 13