The Babysitters Club

Dawn and the Impossible Three, Reviewed by Jaya, 10

Two years ago I saw my friends reading a book and asked them about it. They said that it was called Dawn and the Impossible Three. It was the fifth book in an eight-part series. I soon bought it and started reading. This graphic novel is based on the story by Ann M.Martin, written and illustrated by Gale Galligan. The fifth book is about a girl named Dawn, who just moved to Stonybrook, Connecticut, with her mother and brother just after her parents divorced. Despite struggling to fit in, she finds a friend, Mary Anne. Mary Anne invites Dawn to the “Baby-sitters Club.” That’s where middle schoolers meet up and get paid for babysitting. Dawn thinks that, when she joins the Club, her struggles will be over. She was wrong. She is being closely watched by a member of the “Baby-sitters Club,” Kristy, who is certain that Dawn isn’t responsible enough to be in the Club. Dawn is determined to prove Kristy wrong by Babysitting three impossible kids. (Marnie, Suzie and Buddy), who have been all but abandoned by their mother. Mrs. Barret seems to be constantly busy. Her carelessness is always putting her children in harm’s way. The three kids become a priority for Dawn. As tough as it is with her friends, soon Dawn finds out that her mom and Mary Anne’s dad used to date! Even tougher, Dawn has to accept that they are going to start dating again. Given that Dawn’s parents are divorced, she has an ability to empathize with Marnie Suzie and Buddy whose parents are also divorced. As she tries to understand the Barretts, she finds out more about Marnie, Suzie and Buddy’s mothers divorce. Little does she know what’s happening behind the scenes. What follows is a series of unexpected events. In this story, Dawn has to hold everything together to let everything go. I recommend this book to people who like graphic novels and books about trusting your instinct. While we learn the importance of trusting your gut, we get caught up in this journey with Dawn as she juggles babysitting three kids with the challenges of friendships and family. At the end of the book Dawn discovers her inner courage and confidence. Dawn and the Impossible Three by Ann M. Martin, illustrated by Gale Galligan. Graphix, 2017. Buy the book here and support Stone Soup in the process!