white house

About the White House

This year I watched the whole election. I have wanted to know what it’s like to live in the White House. I’ve heard there are like 50 bathrooms. I want to know the truth about living in the White House. History The White House was built on October 13, 1792. The White House and its grounds are 18 acres big. It is located on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. John Adams was the first President to live in the White House. The White House was designed by James Hoban. The White House has three parts: The East Wing, The West Wing, Executive Residence. Rules of Living in the White House Living in the White House comes with many rules. You can never open windows, not even to let in the fresh air. Of the many jobs in the White House, there is no interior designer. The first lady is to hire a designer the first family likes. As you can see living in the White House comes rules. Inside the White House The White House consists of 32 rooms, 35 bathrooms, 412 doors, and 28 fireplaces. According to Joe Biden, the White House is “a gilded cage, in terms of being able to walk outside and do things.” The White House is six stories tall. There are two basement levels, a ground floor where staff works, a state floor for events, and two floors where the first family lives. The oval room is blue and has been blue since 1837. There are also a red and green room. The east room is the biggest in the White House. It is meant for speeches, ceremonies, and concerts. The State Dining Room can fit 150 people. The Lincoln Room has furniture from Abraham Lincoln’s time. The Yellow Oval Room is located above the Blue Oval Room and is the first family’s living room. On the top floor is a Solarium, it has floor to ceiling windows. There is also a bowling alley in the basement. They also have a movie theater. There are two bunkers in the White House. There is an Oval Office which is where the president works. The Resolute Desk in the Oval Office is from the 1800s and weighs 1000 pounds. The Cabinet Room is where the president meets with the ministers. The vice president also has an office located in the West Wing. There are a lot of rooms in the White House. Conclusion I hope you learned about the White House. During my research, I learned that the White House has 35 bathrooms. The White House is huge! I hope to one day visit the White House myself and look at everything inside. Sources Weber, Asher. “Strict Rules The First Family Must Follow In The White House.” Icepop, 8 Oct. 2020. Web. 16 Feb. 2021. “Inside the White House.” The White House President Barack Obama. Web. 16 Feb. 2021. McDowell, Erin. “8 presidents and first family members on what it’s like to live in the White House.” Business Insider. Web. 1 Mar. 2021. “The White House has 132 rooms and its own restaurant. Here’s what it’s like inside Joe Biden’s new home.” Insider. Web. 2 Mar. 2021.