1. Girls under Trees (after August Macke)
Faces of the faceless.
What does she see now?
Blank and yet perfect.
Where does she go now?
Is there somewhere she can go?
Faces of the faceless.
The other girl,
what does she see?
Blank and yet perfect.
Does she have a face?
Or not?
Faces of the faceless.
Clutch that bag of grain!
It is also full yet clear.
Blank and yet perfect.
Just run, with your
eyes glued to darkness.
Faces of the faceless.
Blank and yet perfect.
2. Girl with Sheep (after Georg Schrimpf)
Rise above the ground,
head above the sky
giantess, hold your sheep.
Yes, lie down on your blanket of moss
and hold your miniature sheep and
rise above the ground.
Look into the baby’s eyes,
he is not scared like the others.
Giantess, hold your sheep.
Your island,
floating toward the harbor.
Rise above the ground.
Last hope.
Last chance of joining.
Giantess, hold your sheep.
Let your river skirts flow.
Let your braid sing to the grass.
Rise above the ground,
giantess, hold your sheep.