

The blog is written by the young writers and artists of Stone Soup. If you are aged 13 or younger and have something to say on any topic—nature, science, cookery, sport, sewing, crafts, music, photography, travel—we would love to hear your voice. We are also always happy to hear from book reviewers. Please go to our Submittable site for more details on how to become a young blogger. We accept individual posts and are also always looking for writers to contribute on a regular basis—once a week or once a month.

An aerial photograph of clouds over a landscape.

How do people predict the weather?

It all started on a chilly Wednesday night when my mom and I were looking at the weather app because ...

Pandemic Echoes, a poem by Sofie, 10

Pandemic Echoes by Sofie Dardzinski, 10 An invisible enemy has changed our lives. Lives lost, all too soon. Soon slinks ...

About the White House

This year I watched the whole election. I have wanted to know what it’s like to live in the White ...

Masks, a reflection by Gemma, 12

I sat in the taxi staring at the screen, as I usually did, watching a scene showing several Chinese people ...

A New World… a poem by Elias, 9

2020 The year started fine then the problems came in a line The masks were slapped on The schools were ...

No Peconic in Pandemic

I was sitting on my soft bed, and was finishing up with my online classes. I preferred to work on ...