

The Magical Smile

My Burton had a taste for dramatics. Her daily schedule was crammed full of acting lessons, ballet, and auditions. Her room overflowed with masks, stage makeup, and old playbills. Every day after school she would walk over to the acting studio where she took musical theater classes. Often, she would come home with amazing news […]

That Small Whisper

“How did you sleep last night?” my sister Rose asks. She tosses back her honey-brown hair and hands me the breakfast bowl she just washed. “OK,” I reply, rinsing it, “but I woke up with a headache.” Rose is eleven, three years older than me, and usually we get along well. But today I am […]

Feelings Towards a Bear

I was playing with them, actually playing with them. They were just like Dad’s rug, but my size, and alive! I cuddled in their soft black fur. Their padded leather paws threw me and I fell, laughing. We rolled into each other and onto each other. And their big round eyes looked at me, comfortingly. […]