When I grow up someday, I’ll paint my house paradise blue, An oasis among the streets. Wind chimes will line the porch, And will ring like almost forgotten songs Spilling into the depths of a cavern. Proud, leafy trees will hold birdhouses high. Like a giant yellow ball of joy, A forsythia bush will guard my house. From out of my open windows, Wandering aromas, sweet as honeycomb, Will swirl and spin and pirouette. Over my house, clouds will become Puffy white maracas and caterpillars. The air will shed its smog, And I’ll prop the front door ajar, As thunder growls in the distance. Emily Dexter, 13Carmel, Indiana
First breath Cold air, gleaming lights I do not understand this world I do not know sometimes it is cold Sometimes I must fight alone Parents and family protect me I am different but cannot understand why Things happen bad and good A brother comes I want to protect him with all my strength Care for him with all my love We bicker and fight But still I protect him I cannot understand people, emotions, friends All lost inside my mind Alone Around people but always alone Without a friend Family do not know what it is like To be alone I understand I am different Blessing or curse I do not know But I fight for it to be a blessing I write Words flow I get lost among stories, tales, and books I do not know what lies ahead But I charge through life Daniel Fawcett, 12Ottawa, Ontario, Canada