
The Storm

Scene 1 CLOUD and ROCK are talking to each other while rain falls around them. CLOUD What a sorry excuse for a storm. The novices are playing. ROCK Let them play. They do no harm. I have been whirled into the eye of a storm. Who are you to predict what will happen? The eye […]

Stone Soup Honor Roll: September/October 2024

Welcome to the Stone Soup Honor Roll! We receive hundreds of submissions every month by kids from around the world. Unfortunately, we can’t publish all the great work we receive. So we created the Stone Soup Honor Roll. We commend all of these talented writers and artists and encourage them to keep creating. – The […]

Highlight from Stonesoup.com

From the Stone Soup Blog The Pipe Tree When Éclair the sparrow is forcefully shoved into a life in a cage, it is like a storm has come and swept away everything he has ever known. After years of living free in the wild, Éclair is now entrapped inside a constricting and inescapable prison. But […]

Tired Wounds

A grieving child is locked in with his great fear It was frail. Old too. It had hair like twigs rotting in winter’s wrath. Easy to snap. Its body was made of a corpse of something beautiful, something fragrant. It was weak, lying there in the corner of the room, moonlight slowly spilling onto it. […]

My Darling

Held close to my chest is my darling With eyes of robin eggs and limbs of soil Smelling of pine and tiny daisies When I hear them coming, I run I scramble, slip on air Still holding the one that is mine They track me. They are everywhere. And my darling Grows And tells some […]

In Alia Vita

The narrator finds himself in an unfamiliar life I awoke on a dusty attic floor, old boxes surrounding me. The attic was otherwise barren, triangular with one opaque window across from me. I stood and opened the window to let some light in and a musty odor out. Carefully, I stepped down a ladder into […]

The Heart of the Hunt

Fid must prove to her clan that she’s focused enough to be a hunter I sniffed the air. The fresh stench of prey filled my nose. I could identify it as a tiny mouse. Suddenly, I heard a little squeak. My eyes shot toward my target. I cautiously aimed my bow and . . . […]