
My Sneakers

My sneakers, sneakers, sneakers They call me every day So I can put them on Hooray, Hooray! Oh sneakers, I’m coming, I’m coming I have to put my socks on first

The Rise of Athena

Athena makes the other gods jealous with her ingenious new invention Athena was bored of the other gods. All they cared about was gossip and entertainment; none of them wanted to sit and listen to her talk wisely or play Trivial Pursuit Architecture Edition. All the nymphs and spirits were all so boring, ghosting around […]

When I Accidentally Drew an Arc around My Butterfly

The narrator turns a mistake into something beautiful I had just finished sketching a butterfly at my school desk. I grinned and raised my arms over my head, stretching with joy as I looked down at my picture. I had spent fifteen minutes sketching it. I picked up a yellow crayon and started coloring the […]

The Onlooker

Smoke the only trace Of its existence Surging up to be one with the clouds Swirling shapes that remind of something That we can’t seem to place Bringing tears to the eyes That should have already been there Embers, once flaring with vitality Now ash as they gently land on our Ignorant shoulders There is […]

Thin Ice

The narrator has a close call on the thin ice of a forest stream I rubbed my mittens together to bring some warmth to my cold hands. The temperature had dropped below what the thermometer could read. But I still loved the winter wonderland of the forest; no blizzard could deter me from the great […]