
Teaching Writing

Free Verse and Kids’ Poetry

Most of the poetry we publish in Stone Soup is free verse. Free verse is the most prose-like form of poetry. It is very popular amongst adult poets and it is also very common in American schools. Free verse may by rhymed or unrhymed. What defines it is that it is unmetered. Walt Whitman was […]

Poem by a Child, Age 12, Published in 1913 in St. Nicholas Magazine

  Poem by a twelve-year-old published in 1913. This poem, A Song Of Home, is a poem written by a child age 12. Originally published in 1913 in the children’s magazine St. Nicholas it is a poem from another time.  The poem starts, “Oh, pretty mate of the crimson breast,/Do you remember your little nest….” […]

Writing Activity: Adapting Story to Film

I found a project through Twitter for teaching students to think like a filmmaker. The project, for grades 6 to 8, is  written by Judy Storm Fink and is published at the NCTE website, readwritethink.org. The project title is You Know the Movie is Coming—Now What?. This is a complex project with lots of supplementary material. As […]