
Island Head, an artwork by Aaron D’Souza, 10

Aaron D’Souza, 10San Diego, CA Island Head Aaron D’Souza, 10 I created this image in Photoshop which I have been doing for one year. This is a picture of me as an island. To me, this image is an inspiration that even though we are alone amidst the Coronavirus we can still be happy as shown in the image. The way I created this picture is by attaching separate rock textures on certain areas of my face. Then I added the coral and the lighting to make it look natural. Finally, I added the ships, sharks, and the whale. Island Head (digital art with photoshop)by Aaron D’Souza, 10, San Diego, CA  

The Beginning of Spring Amidst COVID-19, photographs by Anya Geist, 13

The Beginning of Spring Amidst COVID-19 by Anya Geist, 13 Where I am, in Massachusetts, although it is a third of the way through April, spring seems to be only starting now. So, I would like to share with you these photos of spring beginning to bloom, as a reminder that even in these weird, COVID-19 controlled times, spring is still coming.