

Weekly Creativity #209: Rewrite the Lyrics to Your Favorite Song

 Rewrite the lyrics to your favorite song to be about a completely different topic ...

Weekly Creativity #208: Write a Story Based on the Best Advertisement You Ever Saw

Write a story based on the best advertisement you ever saw ...

Weekly Creativity #208: Take a Photo of the Most Common Wild Animal in Your Neighborhood

Take a photo of the most common wild animal in your neighborhood ...

Weekly Creativity #207 | Flash Contest #44: Write a Scene in which You Meet Your Past or Future Self

Write a scene (story, poem, or play) in which you meet your past or future self.  ...

Weekly Creativity #206: Handwrite a Story if You Usually Type, or Type a Story if You Usually Write by Hand

Handwrite a story/poem if you usually type, or type a story/poem if you usually write by hand.  ...

Weekly Creativity #205: Take Three Photos of the Same Person Experiencing Different Emotions

 Take three photos of the same person experiencing different (real, not staged) emotions ...