December 2021

Stone Soup Honor Roll: December 2021

Welcome to the Stone Soup Honor Roll! We receive hundreds of submissions every month by kids from around the world. Unfortunately, we can’t publish all the great work we receive. So we created the Stone Soup Honor Roll. We commend all of these talented writers and artists and encourage them to keep creating. – The Editors Scroll down to see all the names (alphabetical by section), including book reviewers and artists. ART Cleo Friedman, 9 Paris Andreou Hadjipavlou, 7 Lucas Hinds, 13 Aditi Nair, 13 Sophia Torres, 13 Jiacheng Yu, 6 PERSONAL NARRATIVES Carlos Ahearn, 11 Mariana Del Rio, 12 Noa Mehler, 11 Taia Reitz, 11 Clara Shore-Coloni, 11 Matthew Wang, 7 POETRY Priscilla Chow, 7 Chloe Garcia, 13 Sonia Kamnitzer, 9 Brooks Pinney, 10 Clarke Rodney, 10 Maya Ruben, 10 STORIES Audrey Chang, 13 Dylan Ecimovic, 11 Sahara Muhammad, 12 Avery Parsons-Carswell, 10 Maayan Mardiks Rappaport, 10 Andrea Shi, 13 Hannah Slater, 9

Highlights from

From Flash Contest #34 Inca Acrobat, 11San Francisco, CA A River Flows in Me You fail to speak to me Even when the moon has risen Above the glittering Loire When my mind is awake But my body still Especially then   You turn your back away My dreams fade away About the Stone Soup Flash Contests Stone Soup holds a flash contest during the first week of every month. The month’s first Weekly Creativity prompt provides the contest challenge, and submissions are due within a week. Up to five winners are chosen for publication on our blog. The winners, along with up to five honorable mentions, are announced in the following Saturday newsletter. Find all the details at Stonesoup. com/post/stone-soup-monthly-flash-contest-winners-roll/.


Panasonic ZS200, Procreate, Lightroom Sage Millen, 13Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada