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A conversation between Sarah Hunt, winner of the 2021 Stone Soup Book Contest, and Tristan Hui, former Stone Soup contributor and winner of the 2020 Stone Soup Book Contest, about Sarah Hunt's debut novel, Foxtale.

Foxtale was also a finalist in the youth author (under 25) category for the 2023 Indie Book Awards.

0:34 — What does Stone Soup mean for you?

1:31 — What was the hardest part of the publishing process?

2:32 — How did you come up with the idea for Foxtale?

4:13 — Was there anything you read during the writing process that inspired you?

5:07 — Do you have a favorite character from Foxtale?

5:41 — What impact do you hope Foxtale will have on your readers?

6:53 — During the editing process, how did you decide what to cut and what to keep?

8:42 — Can you talk about your writing process?

11:46 — What advice do you have for other young readers?

12:42 — Has your belief that you're your own target audience helped to deal with outside criticism?

13:33 — What are your future writing goals?

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