After we featured her self-published book, The Hunting Season, in our Saturday Newsletter, we asked its young author Tara Prakash to write something for us about the process she went though. From here, it's over to Tara.
The Hunting Season by Tara Prakash, age 11
I got inspired to write The Hunting Season when I went to Wyoming and explored Yellowstone and Grand Tetons National Parks. We saw a lot of bears on that trip and I kept wondering what they were thinking about and what was in their heads.That was when The Hunting Season was born. So when I got home, I wrote on Microsoft Word a story about what I thought the bears would be thinking about, what their fears were and what events exploded excitement into them.
I wrote whenever I could. Between my soccer practices and basketball games, every open time I got, I would sit at the computer and write. The plot never got boring or the long amount of time it took to write in never got to be too much. I sometimes got frustrated though, when parts of the plot didn't match up, like a puzzle piece that didn't fit.
My parents' friend, who is a self published author, told us about Create Space, the self publishing company. Then, my nanny and I uploaded the Word document into Create Space, and Create Space helped us format the book; we scanned my cover artwork so it would show, we wrote a summary of the book on the back, choosing the color, font, size, etc. Then, from Create Space, my dad uploaded the book to Amazon and we chose the price to set it at and I wrote my 'About The Author' there.
After it was out to the public, my dad emailed my school teachers, my friends, my sports team coaches, and family, and family friends. Once my teacher bought it and left a five star review then lots of my friends bought it, leaving reviews and giving me compliments at school.
I started the story at age nine and finished the story right as I turned ten. I turned was almost eleven when we got it onto Amazon. If there's one thing I learned during this whole process, it's this: Keep on writing. All writing starts with one great idea.
I loved this post and read a few pages on the amazon preview of The Hunting Season. I’ve got a website too and its called and I am 8 years old. I love writing.
I loved this post and read a few pages on the amazon preview of The Hunting Season. I’ve got a website too and its called and I am 8 years old. I love writing.