
story writing

Daily Creativity #50: Change a Key Word in Your Story

What if a misplaced letter in a word changes everything? A story about someone who wins a million dollars would be very different if they actually won a million collars; a painting of a world under the sea  would look very different to a world inside a pea. Play around with a key word in […]

Daily Creativity #45: Write About a Miscommunication

Sometimes a plot turns on a mistake or a miscommunication. What if the crucial email, letter, text or phone message never arrived? It could be a disaster, or it might mean a lucky escape. Write a story where an important message never got through, and that changes the outcome for the better.

Daily Creativity #40: Think about Endings and Try Writing a Different One

Endings are hard. Try thinking about endings as punctuation: Period: it’s all neatly tied up and finished. Question mark: a few things are left open – whatever will happen next? Exclamation point – no one expected that, SURPRISE!!!!! Take a look at one of the stories you have written recently–or, you can do this as […]