
Saturday Newsletter: September 16, 2023

My Sister (pencil) by Crystal Fu, 12; published in the September/October issue of Stone Soup A note from Emma Wood Hello, friends! As many of you know, my family and I recently moved to Cincinnati, Ohio. I was surprised to realize that, even though Chicago is a mere four-hour drive away, Ohio is on Eastern time—and in fact, Indiana, the state directly to the west of us, is on Eastern time too! This means the mornings are shorter and evenings are later. When it’s evening, I love that it’s still light. But every morning, I wish the sun were already up; it’s hard to wake up in the dark, and it’s only September—which means we have many more months of dark mornings ahead. The tension between my mandated time zone and what feels like the actual time has prompted me to think more about time—and especially about the way I’ve adapted to this new relationship to daytime hours and sunlight. In the September issue, there are a few poems about time: you can read two by Madeline Male, 14, here and here, and one by Sonia Kamnitzer, 10, here. Over the coming weeks, I encourage you to reflect on your relationship to time and to explore it through writing or visual art (or both!). As always, consider submitting your work to us after—we’d love to consider it for publication! Otherwise, I hope everyone is settling into a calmer back-to-school routine. My daughter started her first year of preschool this week, and we are all still adjusting! If you don’t already subscribe to the magazine, we are currently running a promotion for 30% off our annual print and digital subscription with the code BACK2SCHOOL30 for the month of September. Please consider signing up this fall, or urging your friends or your child’s school to do so. As always, we appreciate your support of Stone Soup! Yours from in front of an open window with perfectly cool air wafting in–       Stone Soup is published by Children’s Art Foundation-Stone Soup Inc., a 501(c)(3) educational nonprofit organization registered in the United States of America, EIN: 23-7317498.