

Field Trip

Look up. Can you see the moon? white as snow? The sun, as yellow as a new crayon? A baby blue sky like an ocean? Look down! Cold in one spot, warm in others, the creek is full of amazing creatures Our nets, shaped like D’s scoop up mud puppies and crawdads The still water […]


Every evening a tumbling, frothy white waterfall cascades over the mountains. Its thick, swirly, blanket settles among the trees, and oozes into the valley. It keeps coming; soft, white and misty. It reaches its tendrils around each tree. You can see it creeping, crawling like it is sneaking up on someone. As the sun sets, […]

Slipping on Raindrops

It was a funny, sunny afternoon when Something hit my cheek A cloud of a loud boom Came from above Then dark splattered all over the park Like black paint hitting white paper I ran as fast as I could, slipping on raindrops Zinnia Schwartz, 10Evanston, Illinois