


What lies in the darkest corner in the mind of a boy? His greatest fears. Dark, looming, ominous shadows of everyday objects Turn into alarming frights. Howls, creaks, booms, blasts, blares, Sneak into the mind of a boy Creep into his thoughts, Eliminating his ability to sleep. The thought of a monster lurking under the bed Shoots goosebumps up the arms and legs Of your average boy, Making him stay up in bed, Panting. His heart races, Practically beating out of his chest. He forces his eyes closed, Willing himself to a rest That won’t come. Fists clenched, Palms sweaty, Brow moist, Breathing fast, The house creaking, Trees striking the window With a slow, eerie beat. Tears sliding down his cheek, He engulfs himself in his blanket. His brain pounding in his head To the rhythm of the trees Cracking and snapping Against the window like Baseball bats. Trying to calm himself, Slowly inhaling and exhaling, Heart slowing down, Sleep. Sam Laskin, 10Westport, Connecticut

Scared of the Dark

Thunder crashes. My world is turned into a dark abyss from which I will forever fall. Shadows creep around me as if monsters waiting for the right moment. Lightning strikes. For a second I see my normal room with everything in place. But then the shadows come again and engulf me in fear. A giant-eyed spider! No, it’s my electric fan. A poisonous snake! No, it’s my belt on the floor. I feel my eyelids start to drift down. No! If I fall asleep they’ll get me! A little lower. I’m too scared to sleep! Almost closed. I’m too scared to sleep! I’m too… scared… to…

This Real World

In this real world I can feel the long grass Brush my knees And hear the soft whisper Of the breeze calling Go home, go home As the daylight turns to night. In this real world I can see black specks Circling the sky Using high-pitched squeaks As they locate each other In the twilight. In this real world I can almost taste The sweetness of summer On my lips As the bullfrogs call Goodnight, goodnight. Meghan Waldron, 13South Deerfield,Massachusetts