
Jane Levi

Weekly Creativity #169: Write a Story or Poem Using Two Senses—Smell & Hearing

Go to a safe place outdoors, sit somewhere, and close your eyes. Spend several minutes listening for all the sounds you can hear, and pay close attention to what you can smell in the air. When you open your eyes again, write some notes. Later, use those notes to write a poem or a personal narrative about your experience of the place through those two senses (smell and hearing).

Weekly Creativity #160 | Flash Contest #33: Choose One Proverb From a List of Five and Write a Story in Which the Opposite Is True

Choose one of these proverbs, and write a story in which the opposite is true: “A stitch in time saves nine” “The early bird catches the worm” “A problem shared is a problem halved” “A leopard cannot change its spots” “Absence makes the heart grow fonder” If you want a full-week’s challenge, do a different one each day! To submit to this month’s Flash Contest, click here