Mason Li

Lost Land

Unseen, seen, unseen. Blink and it will disappear. In cover it waits for no one knows what. Lost in the mid-Pacific, traps protect the jewel, never to be found. Only the past may reveal Secrets of the lost.

Apples, a poem by Mason, 9

Apples A sweet fruit, round like a ball. Pieces split with a slice of a knife. Pushing and shoving, hands start to reach for the slices. Long after the apples are finished, a slice lies forgotten under the table. Entering the room is the family puppy, Sniffing, who munches the unseen slice.

Peace, a Poem for our Veterans, by Mason Li

We see the words on veterans’ graves – all powerful, all dark, nothing left, no heart,  winners or losers – don’t care – both in the dark. Only left behind are their bodies,  filled with peace, sadness, and bravery. Try remembering when he or she gave us peace,  harmony. For that, we can thank them, but it’s too late. Their hearts cannot be seen.  Now, we only can thank them by bringing peace to our world..