Nina Vigil

Dry by Neal and Jarrod Shusterman, Reviewed by Nina Vigil, 12

How many of you can say that you read a book that made you thirsty? Few, to be certain; that’s rarely the effect a book aims to accomplish! (And if it did, it likely wasn’t intentional). Yet now I can say that I have read a book that made me genuinely thirsty, on purpose. Dry by Neal and Jarrod Shusterman, is harrowing, thrilling, and feels all too real. Dry begins in a small Southern California neighborhood. Alyssa Morrow, her younger brother Garrett, her parents, and her dog Kingston are living a very normal life. California’s drought is continuing on for longer than usual, but some laws have been put into place in an effort to conserve water. The laws are working, and California is doing fine. That is, until Arizona and Nevada cut off the Colorado River. California has become so dependent on the river that now water is limited to what they’ve already got. And that’s not enough for everyone. As water runs out, friends and strangers alike turn on each other in an effort to survive. When Alyssa and Garrett’s parents disappear, they’re forced to make an alliance with their slightly nutty survivalist neighbor Kelton McCracken. And as things get progressively worse, the trio will need to find other means of getting water, and they’ll pick up some more passengers on their quest. Dry is an addictive story. Once you pick it up, you keep thinking about doing something else, but you don’t want to put it down, and pretty soon you’ve been reading for hours. Not only is it addicting, but it evokes real emotions. You’re so worried about the main characters that it feels like you’re worrying about your best friends. Dry is also very realistic. The symptoms of dehydration, for instance, are described in a way you can imagine, and consistent with science. The public’s reaction to the “Tap-Out” (as it is called) and the following turmoil seems real, like something that could conceivably happen anywhere. The story is told in a form I’d never seen used before. The narration switches between the main characters, but in addition to that, some “snapshots” are included that provide fresh perspectives on the situation in brief moments from different people’s lives. Among those are a news reporter, a family trying to escape on a plane, and a student waiting for airlifted water. The snapshots really broaden the view of the situation as a whole, and it’s nice to have a quick break from the story of the main characters. I would recommend Dry for anybody 12+. I’d recommend it for everyone, but it does have some bad language in it. Nevertheless, it went above and beyond my initial expectations, and it will do the same for even those with the highest of reading standards! Nina Vigil, 12, New York

Wings of Fire: The Dragonet Prophecy, Reviewed by Nina Vigil, 12

It’s pretty much impossible to write a book review for a series. You’ll have to include every single one of the books, and summarize the plot of each without giving anything away, which is increasingly more difficult as you go on. However, I know a particularly good series—Wings of Fire, by Tui T. Sutherland—and I have decided to just review the first book, rather than the whole series. (Despite that, you should go read the entire thing after you read about this one!) In the first book, The Dragonet Prophecy, a war has been raging across the dragon continent of Pyrrhia for twenty years between three sisters who all want to be the queen of the SandWing dragon tribe. Five dragonets were prophesied to end the war by choosing a queen, and the Talons of Peace, an underground organization dedicated to ending the war, are in the process of training the five dragonets to go out into the world. The dragonets have lived under a mountain their whole lives waiting for this day. The story centers around Clay, a happy-go-lucky MudWing who loves food and hates fighting. He just wants to hang out with his friends and have fun, but unfortunately for him his Talons of Peace guardians are pressuring him to be the best fighter. Clay’s life turns upside down when Morrowseer, the NightWing who made the original prophecy, shows up and convinces the Talons of Peace dragons to kill one of Clay’s friends, Glory the RainWing, because she was only a substitute for the SkyWing that was supposed to be one of the chosen five. Clay and another dragonet, Tsunami the SeaWing, form a plan to escape with their friends. But right when their escape plan is about to succeed, who do they run into but the murderous, menacing, and thoroughly evil Queen Scarlet of the SkyWings! She captures the dragonets and brings them to her palace/prison/arena, where they are supposed to fight other dragons for her entertainment. How are the dragonets going to escape now? One of the things I especially liked about this book is how unique it is. For one, the main characters are dragons! Secondly, the prophecy isn’t absolute or set in stone; they can diverge from it, for instance by escaping. Among other things like the setting, this makes the series very distinctive. Another thing I liked is the many interesting characters throughout the story and how they all contribute something to the plot that can affect things later on in the series. I also admired how fully developed the plot is and how there are no plot holes. The best part is definitely how Tui T. Sutherland pops in small details that seem insignificant at first, but then suddenly explode into a huge part of the plot and take things on a completely different path than you were expecting. As a writer, it’s really hard to do that! Overall, Wings of Fire is a spectacular series and you should most definitely read the first book. And then, of course, read the rest of the series and don’t stop reading the rest of the series. I promise you it’ll be worth your time! Wings of Fire Book One: The Dragonet Prophecy by Tui T. Sutherland. Scholastic Press, 2012. Buy the book here and support Stone Soup in the process! Have you read this book? Or do you plan on reading it? Let us know in the comments below!

Science Fair, A Documentary Review by Nina Vigil, 11

“Science fair”: Two very innocuous words. When you hear them, what first comes to mind?  Kids presenting their mini volcanoes in an elementary school gymnasium?  To be honest, that is what most science fairs are like. Would you be surprised to learn that there is a science fair in which high-schoolers from all over the world compete in 22 categories for a $75,000 winning prize? There is such a science fair, and it’s called ISEF: the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. Recently, producers Cristina Constantini and Darren Foster (with National Geographic) made a documentary called Science Fair all about it! I watched it, and I knew in the first five minutes that I had to write a review about it. Science Fair focuses on a handful of students who are preparing to enter ISEF. We meet kids from poor cities like Iracema, Brazil and wealthy places like Jericho, New York and learn about their projects and their goals. Take Ivo’s project. It’s a kind of drone shaped like a chevron that can fly an amazing distance. Kashfia’s brain wave experiment uses a headset that picks up on brain waves, and uses it to make conclusions about emotions, decision-making and how brains work in general. ISEF works like this: schools around the world have competitions and choose finalists (one group can count as a finalist) to go on to compete at ISEF. Then, winners are selected in each category, as well as one finalist who receives the top prize of $75,000. As you can imagine, people get really competitive and make some incredible things. Something I found interesting was the focus on the adults supporting the kids. For instance, at Kendra’s school in New York, there are a lot of resources and a teacher who is really tough and dedicated and pushes her students to do their best. Then in Iracema, at Myllena and Gabriel’s school, there are almost no resources, yet her teachers supported her immensely. And in Brookings, South Dakota, Kashfia’s school was so focused on sports that she couldn’t find any science teachers to supervise her project, and ended up working with the football coach! What I loved best about Science Fair was how spectacularly engaging it was. I got so absorbed in it that I was super nervous and excited leading up to the judging, even though I wasn’t experiencing it myself. Another thing I liked was how inspiring this documentary was. The main contestants had various obstacles to deal with, from not having a lot of money or resources (Myllena) to having a school that barely gives any support to science (Kashfia). And yet they all made it in, and some of them placed. After the contest, they all continued work on their projects, too. Anybody can succeed, even those with a number of difficulties. Science Fair, after watching it only once, is my official second favorite movie. Kedi will always be my favorite, but this got pretty close! To everyone reading this, check it out. You may decide to enter a science fair too!   Science Fair (National Geographic, 2018) is a documentary produced and directed by Cristina Constantini and Darren Foster. Find out more at the National Geographic website.