
Nushu Shri

Getting Closer to Your Goals

One of my goals last year was to read a lot of books. I wanted to reach 50, but once I reached it, I knew I could aim higher. I bumped up my goal to 100, and ended up very close. How did I do it? Well, last year, I tried something new: using a […]

A Summer Guide to Polymer Clay Fun!

Summer has just begun, and with hours and days of free time, why not try something new? After all, summer is about having fun while accomplishing what you can’t during the school year. An exciting art form you can learn this summer is sculpting with polymer clay. Three years ago, I began using this type […]

Earth Day Is For Everyone: How Do You Want To Make A Difference?

Photo via Pixabay by Clker-Free-Vector-Images Our earth has been alive for 4 billion years, but already it seems to be dying. Not only are plants and animals across the globe disappearing, but the earth itself approaches death. The ozone layer is getting ruined with human activities and pollution, and habitats all around the world are turning […]