Sometimes a plot turns on a mistake or a miscommunication. What if the crucial email, letter, text or phone message never arrived? It could be a disaster, or it might mean a lucky escape. Write a story where an important message never got through, and that changes the outcome for the better.
Creative Prompts
Daily Creativity #44: Write about a Change in Someone’s Life
Write a story about a change in someone’s life. This could be small (a new class or teacher) or large (moving house). Ask yourself these questions: what is the change like for my character? how do they feel? who else does it affect?
Daily Creativity #43: Imagine Your Favorite Character in the Time of Coronavirus
Take your favorite character from a book you’ve read and place them in this coronavirus situation. What would they do? How would they act? How might they feel? Consider submitting your story to our COVID-19 blog submissions category! If you do, make sure you tell us in your covering letter what book and character you are writing about.