Take a look at these photographs of houses from the Library of Congress. Choose one house that speaks to you and write a short story or play that takes place there. Think about what kind of mood the house in your photograph conveys and how you can express that in words.
Creative Prompts
Daily Creativity #41 | Flash Contest: Write about what Superheroes do in their Spare Time
Write about what super-heroes and super-villains do in their spare time or on their days off. Feel free to make it funny: maybe Voldemort enjoys yoga, or Wonder Woman writes a blog.
Daily Creativity #40: Think about Endings and Try Writing a Different One
Endings are hard. Try thinking about endings as punctuation: Period: it’s all neatly tied up and finished. Question mark: a few things are left open – whatever will happen next? Exclamation point – no one expected that, SURPRISE!!!!! Take a look at one of the stories you have written recently–or, you can do this as a collaborative exercise using someone else’s story (swap with a friend or a sibling, or choose one from Stone Soup). What kind of ending does it have? Can you try rewriting the ending in one of the other styles? Which one works best?