It’s Tuesday! Write a 20-line poem in which every line begins with the letter “T.” To make it harder: only two of those lines can start with “the.”
Creative Prompts
Daily Creativity #26 | Flash Contest: Write a Story Inspired by a Funny Headline
Write a short story inspired by one of these funny newspaper headlines. Visit the webpage, and read their selection of the “25 Funniest Newspaper Headlines of All Time.” Write a story inspired by your chosen headline. Remember, today’s prompt is this week’s Flash Contest. Submit your response here.
Daily Creativity #25: Write a Personal Narrative about your Favorite Book
Write a personal narrative exploring your relationship with your favorite book or piece of art. What do you love about it, and why? What did you experience when you first read or saw it? How has the piece changed for you as you have either reread it or looked at it again and again over time? This exercise might make you think more deeply about something you have read, how it has affected you, and what it might mean to other readers. Perhaps you will decide to turn part of your personal narrative into a book review, or write a book review of this favorite book as well. If you do, consider submitting it to our blogging and book review categories, via the Submit button!