
Graphic Stories

Friendship, a cartoon by Natya Chandrasekar, 12

Natya Chandrasekar, 12Palo Alto, CA Friendship Natya Chandrasekar, 12 I created the friendship cartoon after I came from a walk where 2 friends were walking 6 feet apart and I realized this is going to be the way of life after the coronavirus. Natya is selling prints of all of her cartoons to raise funds […]

Graduation, a cartoon by Natya Chandrasekar, 12

  Natya Chandrasekar, 12Palo Alto, CA Graduation Natya Chandrasekar, 12 With lot of seniors and family friends kids graduating and some of them are feeling very sad and upset that they cannot celebrate and party. I wanted to show that the virus has changed all our lives but we can still be very thankful and […]

Superheroes of Today, a cartoon by Natya Chandrasekar, 12

Natya Chandrasekar, 12Palo Alto, CA Superheroes of Today Natya Chandrasekar, 12 Natya has made an amazing collection of cartoons about the “before” and “after” of the current pandemic, and we are very happy to be sharing some of them with Stone Soup readers! Natya is selling prints of all of her cartoons to raise funds […]