
Young Bloggers

My Viewpoint on Virtual Learning

Virtual school has been taken seriously with the dreadful presence of COVID-19, and we have to make fair use of the time when it comes to school. I shall share my viewpoint of virtual learning. There are many vital things to consider, like communication and academic performance. I will talk about three advantages and three […]

Going Viral, a short story by Ender Ippolito, 9

Ender Ippolito, 9, Portland, OR Going Viral Ender Ippolito, 9 Hello, my name is Sam Flu. You might not know me personally, but I’m pretty sure you know my kind. Right now I am going to school. I am on the school bus (water droplet) with my best friend Eric Coronavirus and his buddy Meg […]

The Gone Series, Reviewed by Sita, 12

The Gone series by Michael Grant was a very gripping, fun, and entertaining read, and despite it not being for the faint of heart, I would recommend it to just about anyone—which is why I find it so odd that the protagonists are not the characters that make it so riveting, but rather the villainous […]