
April 2018

About the Author

When I try my best but no words come I feel worried, like when I drown in lava. How does it feel like to be an author? Great, because everyone will know the work you wrote. It also feels like you are the most important person in the world. When I do not have to […]

About the Author Poem

Before I write, I put on boots, jackets, scarfs and mittens. “I am prepared.” I tell myself. I close my eyes and write. For I know that if I don’t prepare myself fully, I may never get out of my fantasy world. Emilei Lu, 11Shanghai, China

tiny big valley

tiny valley big so big grass of blue lakes of green tiny big down-upside trees night and day spring to spring nothing&noone comes to tiny big valley nothing walks the roses &noone paints the sky with love night and day spring to spring nothing&noone and someone and everyone comes to tiny big valley nothing loves […]