
January 2022


The kids they play around you The dads just back from work They laze and gaze into you, at the lovely sway of the trees of the trees, of the lovely sway of the trees Amity Doyle, 11Katonah, NY

Endless Months

 January January-cold winter air swoops through the chimney but can’t blow out the fire February Bundled up in your house you lay surrounded by your needs of warmth No one can cold you March March makes birds get ready to sing It makes snow into grass It makes a hundred nests built for birds […]

One Day a Blizzard Came

I live in a snow globe. A little lamp shines in on me. I talk to the lamp, maybe it’s lonely. A door opens. My brain is full of water, but I am not alone. Johnni, Adrian and Oliver are here. Johnni says, Look out, everyone! It’s a blizzard. Oliver counts five pieces of snow […]