
January/February 2006


The first shaft of luminous light travels, its speed unthinkable Over the horizon, through the trees, And into my open eyes. Birds hop about, like people, Trying to find a good Perch, branch, position In life. Satisfied, they begin their Throaty chorusing, declaring only the best. Window open, the maple and oak Scent drifts like […]


A large hand wiped the tears from Tom’s small red eyes. “Don’t worry, son,” he smiled, “I swear we’ll come back.” Tom hoped so, with all of his eight-year-old heart. But it still hurt so much to watch his father and brother go off to war. Even though President Lincoln needed soldiers, Tom still puzzled […]


A large hand wiped the tears from Tom’s small red eyes. “Don’t worry, son,” he smiled, “I swear we’ll come back.” Tom hoped so, with all of his eight-year-old heart. But it still hurt so much to watch his father and brother go off to war. Even though President Lincoln needed soldiers, Tom still puzzled […]