The first shaft of luminous light travels, its speed unthinkable Over the horizon, through the trees, And into my open eyes. Birds hop about, like people, Trying to find a good Perch, branch, position In life. Satisfied, they begin their Throaty chorusing, declaring only the best. Window open, the maple and oak Scent drifts like […]
January/February 2006
A large hand wiped the tears from Tom’s small red eyes. “Don’t worry, son,” he smiled, “I swear we’ll come back.” Tom hoped so, with all of his eight-year-old heart. But it still hurt so much to watch his father and brother go off to war. Even though President Lincoln needed soldiers, Tom still puzzled […]
A large hand wiped the tears from Tom’s small red eyes. “Don’t worry, son,” he smiled, “I swear we’ll come back.” Tom hoped so, with all of his eight-year-old heart. But it still hurt so much to watch his father and brother go off to war. Even though President Lincoln needed soldiers, Tom still puzzled […]