
July/August 2017

Stone Soup Honor Roll: July-August 2017

Welcome to the Stone Soup Honor Roll! We receive hundreds of submissions every month by kids from around the world. Unfortunately, we can’t publish all the great work we receive. So we created the Stone Soup Honor Roll. We commend all of these talented writers and artists and encourage them to keep creating. – The […]


When you remember The long night that passed by you There may be a hint of a scene A recollection of a moment Warped and disfigured Wonderful or horrifying Only playing out in your mind This clue may be short It may continue to a story A twisted stream of events Where nothing ever gets […]

A Horse Named Seamus

All this time Seamus didn’t want ribbons or fame, he just wanted to go home Horses, horses, horses. There were so many horses! Valery wondered which one would be hers as she gazed over the crowd of them. She had waited so long for this day. Today was her tenth birthday, and her parents had […]