
November/December 2008

Stille Nacht A World War I Christmas

CHRISTMAS EVE, 1967 ISLINGTON, LONDON, ENGLAND Old Tom Foxley sat in his living room by the fireplace hearth, the logs of the fire burning brightly. His dog, Mack, lay next to his armchair, like a pile of laundry, his shadow flickering on the wall behind him. The warmth of the fire was the only warmth Tom felt this Christmas, for many of his friends were now gone and his dear wife, Elizabeth, had passed away the previous spring. In the corner, a beautiful Christmas tree towered above the room. The golden halo of the angel which adorned the top brushed the ceiling. She had been in his family a long time, dating back to an era when his parents had lived in this very house. Her once-white robes were ivory now; her wings, originally covered in soft downy feathers, were more than a little bit spotty. Yet she still played her celestial harp, her eyes closed in quiet concentration, her face showing nothing but goodness and peace. The warmth of the fire was the only warmth Tom felt this Christmas The giant fir seemed illuminated by the many gleaming orbs that hung from its fragrant limbs, even though they made no glow of their own and only reflected the light from dozens of glowing candles that lined the tree’s branches. Certainly not the safest of decorations, the candles were a reminder of a special long-ago Christmas, and it just never seemed right not to have them on his tree. Tom sighed as he thought of how Elizabeth used to complain about the fire hazard they created. He decided that he missed her fussing almost as much as he missed her. He gently reached down to stroke old Mack’s head, remembered more happy Christmases of the past and then… the most memorable that he had ever witnessed. *          *          * It was Christmas Eve Day, 1914, and the continual barrage of shells and gunfire seemed to pound his ears like a hammer. Young Tom, just seventeen years old, kept as low as possible as he moved through the sloppy trench, the water in the bottom rising well above his knees. As explosions rocked the earth, dirt was sent hurtling over the crest of the trench, where it fell into the water, mixing into a muddy soup. The place reeked of death and decay, for the bodies of his fallen comrades could not always be removed from the trench safely. Snipers were everywhere, and their fire was an ever-present danger. Holding his rifle above his head in an effort to keep it dry, Tom plunged through the water, moving toward a firing step. The man already on the platform ducked as bullets whizzed over his head. Then he gratefully stepped down, allowing Tom to take his place. Looking over the edge of the trench, Tom could see bodies scattered across No Man’s Land, the area between the German and the English trenches. In this war, gains came at great cost. They had been trying to hold this single trench for weeks as the Kaiser’s army had advanced across France like a puddle of water across a stone floor, seeping slowly but steadily in every direction. When Britain had entered the Great War the previous summer, no one had expected it to last this long. They’d thought victory would be theirs in a matter of months. Now here it was Christmas, with no end to the war in sight, and the men were all miserable and longing for home. Tom glanced up and saw Fred Mooring trudging toward him through the trench. Fred was struggling through the muck, lifting his legs high in an effort to evade the mud that was threatening to suck the boots right off his feet. If only the weather would turn colder, they might have some relief from living in standing water. That alone would be a blessing. A German mortar round suddenly landed nearby, the roar of the explosion causing temporary deafness. One minute, Fred was there. The next he was buried under a wall of earth as part of the trench collapsed. Tom leaped forward, grabbing his spade. He attacked the earth, digging furiously, struggling to uncover Fred, while straining to keep his own body upright in the slippery mud. Finally, he found Fred’s leg. Grabbing hold and using all his strength, he pulled Fred from the earth. Fred was gray but breathing, alive but unconscious. Medics ran to his aid and carted him away on a stretcher. Tom collapsed from exhaustion on a pile of earth. This war was dirty business, in more ways than one. The medics offered to tend to him as well but he pushed them away, wanting only sleep, something he hadn’t had in days. No one slept well in the trenches. Some men simply slept standing on their feet, while others preferred to sleep in dugouts, small holes crudely cut into the earthen walls of the trenches. They were cramped and damp, and sometimes rat-infested, but not nearly as wet as the trenches themselves. Tom went in search of his sergeant. He found him at a small table set up in the driest part of the trench, consulting with the lieutenant over a series of maps laid out in front of them. Tom saluted and waited to be acknowledged. When the men finally looked up, Tom couldn’t help but notice the exhaustion etched in the lines of their faces. “Corporal Foxley,” the sergeant said, “what is it?” “I’d like to retire for a few hours, sir,” said Tom. “Very well,” replied the sergeant, “but first, take this package.” He handed over a large box wrapped in plain brown paper. Tom took the box and saluted. A look at the return address, 23B Lancaster Street, Islington, London, England, told him that this package had come from home. Mum had chosen to brighten his Christmas in the only way she knew how. Inside the box, Tom found his favorite chocolates, some

Red Moon at Sharpsburg

Red Moon at Sharpsburg, by Rosemary Wells; Viking Children’s Books: New York, 2007; $16.99 When I first glanced at the cover of Red Moon at Sharpsburg, by Rosemary Wells, the rich hues and hypnotic detail drew me in. A fire bursts out of the sunset as a young girl and two men look on, entranced. This fire burns deep inside India Moody, a fourteen-year-old girl caught up in the Civil War behind Rebel lines. In a letter from a friend, India learns of a college in Ohio that accepts women. The story goes on to tell of India’s survival in a male-dominated world, where women traditionally stay at home, cooking, cleaning, and caring for children, and certainly not attending college. Many activities that I participate in, such as cross-country, are very dominated by males, so I share the struggles that India has as well. Reading about life in this time period makes me extremely glad that I live in a world that accepts women as equals. Emory Trimble, the son of India’s godparents, takes her in as a student, where she is supposed to learn feminine wiles and scripture. Instead, India is swept into Emory’s studies, becoming interested in what her mother calls “men’s science”: chemistry. Fueled by her passion, India becomes Emory’s assistant and spends more time in his laboratory than she does at home. India and Emory have plans to publish a paper on popular European studies—medicine, bacteria, and disease. India transcribes Emory’s letters and they prepare for a breakthrough in science that will have lasting impact and save millions of lives. India believes in the Rebel cause, yet she is primarily concerned with curing victims through preventative medicine. Because I am a believer in pacifism, I see myself working as India did, doing anything possible to help those affected by war, no matter which side they are on. I am glad that India had science on her side. I have a lot in common with India Moody and Emory Trimble. India feels torn when she travels to see her father on the battlefield at Sharpsburg: timidity at what new experiences she may encounter, alongside courage and curiosity about what lies ahead. When I departed from my elementary school, I also felt like I was being torn in two. Part of me wanted to remain where I had been and been loved, but another part of me wanted to move on and see the great opportunities that were ahead of me. Emory decides to become an army medic so that he will be treated with respect. I try to gain respect by being courteous and by treating others kindly. I also try to gain respect while leading by example—doing well in school, having a role in a play, and participating in a chorus. At home, India uses her knowledge from Emory for the wounded, but she feels insecure without him by her side. I have often felt that insecurity when I am asked to do something without a strong companion. Throughout the book, India tests her strength, perseverance, and allegiance as stability collapses, leaving her with only a few remnants of her old life. Red Moon at Sharpsburg is a story that will be cherished by readers of all ages. It is the telling of a life spun out of balance, a true test of loyalty, and a girl who witnessed the gruesome tragedies of the Civil War on the other side of the history books. Nora Katz, 13Riegelsville, Pennsylvania

Irah, the Princess

She is leaning against the school sign that reads “Half- Day Friday!” Her brown hair comes only to her chin. In her hand she carries a plain, brown book. I have never seen her before, but I know at once she is my friend. “Kara, don’t forget your lunch bag,” my mother says from the front seat, jerking me from my thoughts. I nod, take it from her and start across the lawn. “What did your mommy want, Kara?” Cheryl Reyes asks, striding over to me. “None of your business.” “So,” says Cheryl, “how have your precious drawings been going lately?” “Leave me alone.” Cheryl knows I’m sensitive about my drawings; it’s my way of escaping from a world in which I am neither academically brilliant nor popular at school. I turn to see the girl holding the book looking over at us. Cheryl sees her too and rolls her eyes. “Who’s she?” I ask Cheryl. “The new girl. She’s so ugly!” I didn’t see how. She wasn’t a fashion model, but she had a kind smile. “I- I don’t see…” “So,” says Cheryl, “how have your precious drawings been going lately?” “Her clothes are old-fashioned, and did you see her feet? She’s barefoot!” “Barefoot?” I follow Cheryl’s gaze, and I see that the new girl’s feet are naked. Cheryl sniffs. “She’s weird.” But when the bell rings, I notice that Cheryl is careful to avoid the new girl’s eyes. *          *          * “Class, we have a new student today.” I look up from my sketching to see Ms. Reynolds, our teacher. “I hope you will all treat her nicely. Would you like to come up and introduce yourself?” The girl I saw on the playground looks up from her journal and nods. As she walks to the front of the room, I see that she is still barefoot. Ms. Reynolds notices as well. “Where are your shoes, please?” “I left them at home,” she says simply. Her voice is like music to me, but everyone else is sniggering. Ms. Reynolds is uncomfortable. Spitballs and loud students she is used to, but never a student forgetting his or her shoes. “Um, well, OK. Try to remember them tomorrow, will you?” “I promise,” the girl says. “All right. You may introduce yourself now.” The girl stands there, seeming oblivious to all the whispers and giggles. “My name is Irah Anders,” she begins, but one of the boys interrupts. “Irah—is that Italian or Japanese?” He laughs. “My parents liked the sound of it, but it’s short for Amirah, which means princess. I love to write. My favorite school subjects are literature…” “Oh, you can’t say plain English?” “Rob Wilson,” cuts in Mrs. Reynolds, but Irah finishes. “…and princess training.” “Where’s your tiara?” “Yeah! Princess!” the class taunts, but I don’t join in; instead I hide my face in my notebook. The kids laugh. But Irah holds her head high, staring straight ahead with a mysterious smile on her lips. “Yes, I am a princess,” she says finally. The class goes silent. “A princess,” she repeats. Cheryl forces out a laugh. Still Irah stands defiant. Irah, the princess? *          *          * It’s recess, my least favorite time of the day. Kids can tease me without having to be worried a teacher will catch them. And I’ve never been one for the playground equipment, the running, and the noise. The only thing that seems remotely interesting to me is the patch of woods right near the playground. I’ve always wanted to explore them, but I usually prefer to sketch, or else kids tease me instead. And sure enough, Cheryl and her friend Marianne corner me against the brick wall. “So, what’s up, Picasso?” says Cheryl. “Nice clothes—hand-me-downs?” adds Marianne. It’s not the teasing that I mind so much. I’m used to the insults of middleschool girls. It’s Cheryl, Cheryl who I’m afraid of, Cheryl, who I’ve never been able to stand up to. I can’t stand it anymore. I push past them and run to the small patch of woods, faster than I’ve ever run. I run so fast and hard that I have no idea how far I’ve been running until I stop, hearing a soft cry of surprise. Something—or someone—jumps down from the tree overhead. Then I see her— hair messed and tangled now, but otherwise looking as she did in the classroom. Irah, the princess. She smiles at me with a mysterious, beautiful smile, reaches down, and pulls up an obscure little wildflower I’d never noticed before. One of the leaves is cracked and brown. “This is a pretty one, don’t you think?” she asks. “Um, yeah.” I want to ask a million questions, but I’m still too awkward with this barefoot princess girl. “Here, do you want to hold it?” She hands it to me, cracked leaf and all. “Didn’t I see you in Ms. Reynolds’s class today?” “Y- yes, I- I think you did.” “I thought so,” she said. “What do you think?” “Of what?” “Of me.” I look puzzled for a moment until she explains. “Whenever I meet another person, I like to check them out.” “What did you think of Cheryl?” I ask, preferring not to answer the original question. “She is very nice,” Irah says. “I mean the one who laughed at you.” “I knew which one you meant, and my answer remains the same.” I don’t quite understand, but I do not want to press her. “I saw you drawing earlier,” she says. “It reminded me of what I imagine I look like writing. Writing and drawing are two of the best ways to express your feelings.” “Yes!” I say, excited that she understands. “But it is hard to do when I’m teased.” “People are ignorant when they tease others. But when you look past cruelty and differences, you will see beautiful people.” How I wish I could speak such wise words! My own words are clumsy stones. “May I see some of your