October 2021

Treacherous Climb

Kate and her pet mouse set out to scale colossal, rocky Mt. Treacherous “Squeak!” I was feeding my pet mouse, Hammy, some savory cheese I’d ripped off my sandwich. My eyes, as blue as the sea that peeked over the top of the trees and poked around the mountain that loomed above us, gazed affectionately at him. His cheeks were ballooned up, his eyes were bright and full of life, his fluffy grey fur was glowing in the morning sun, and his tiny but sharp claws held the cheese tight. I was sitting with my legs crossed on a bench as rough as sandpaper, but it never had given me a splinter. I wore a light dress and simple shoes. My cheeks were as pink as a rose, and my hair went from brown to a gold like the sun when it has just risen. I wore earrings the color of the lovely lavender that grows in a clearing in the forest; they are made out of a pearl and shaped into a heart. I had my hair in a braid to keep it neat while I worked. After we were done with our breakfast, I put Hammy in my pocket and went out to milk the cow. I came back a few minutes later holding two buckets full of milk that looked like the milk that comes out of a dandelion stem when you pull it out of the ground to make a wish. I gave the buckets to my mother to strain and make into cheese. I went outside and grabbed a dandelion. I blew a warm stream of air at it and watched the fluffy seeds float into the sky till they disappeared. I gazed across the freshwater lake that was right outside our village. As I gazed there, I remembered that I wished for an adventure and, if I looked, I would find one. And if I did, I would be ready. At dusk I sat on the bench and gazed outside at the mountain above us. Then an idea popped into my head like popcorn does when it’s roasted over a fire. I would climb that mountain! It didn’t have an official name, but most people called it Mt. Treacherous. Maybe because not everyone who climbed up climbed down, or was seriously injured, or fell off the mountain. But those thoughts didn’t stop me! That night I grabbed Hammy and a backpack with water, food, blankets as soft as a sheep, a flashlight, a strong rope, and mouse food. As I was walking to the door, my dad asked, “Where are you going?” I replied as calmly as I could, “On an adventure.” “Well, good luck,” he responded. I ran through the forest and stopped at the mountain. It was even bigger standing right next to it. As I started up, a wrecking ball of wind hit me and knocked my backpack off. I managed to grab it, but when I jerked it out of the sky, the rope, some of Hammy’s food, and one of the wool blankets fell out and got blown to who knows where. At first, I almost gave up, but then I encouraged myself and kept going. Making it to a ledge, I curled up like a pill bug with Hammy still in my pocket and fell asleep. When I woke up, I went on. I walked for a bit, then started climbing the steep wall. Sweat dripped down my forehead and stung my eyes. I didn’t once peek down at the ground, for I knew I would fall and hit my head on the rocks that stuck out from the cliff. Though without them, I would never have been able to climb up this steep slope. My arms and legs were tingling like they do when your foot is asleep, yet this time they were tingling from tiredness. I could see the top of the cliff—I was so close! I was so pumped by seeing the top that I didn’t notice that the ledge I was reaching for was covered in yucky-colored moss, and it was like water to hold on to. My hand slipped, sending me wobbling, and I lost my footing on the ledge. I fell down fast! The wind was echoing in my ears, and I felt so helpless. I thudded in a thick bush that stopped me from getting anything more than a few scratches and some bruises the color of the sky at sunset. When I tried to stand up, I got pulled back down to the ground and quickly saw that my foot was caught in a branch. I jerked my leg to get it unstuck. Though I was successful, I lost my balance. I could feel Hammy’s toothpick-like claws grabbing my pocket and squeaking up a storm. I fell off the ledge and into a river. “Wow, we sure are lucky!” I said to Hammy after grasping the side. The water made me shiver from my spine, and even more when the cold wind hit me. I scanned the surrounding area and saw a path that was pretty narrow and steep with shrubs surrounding it. The climb was still hard, but it was easier than going back the way we came. As I glanced around absorbing the lovely scenery, I thought, Maybe everything will work out. And with that, I went on. I trudged up the steep slope with Hammy in my pocket, still shivering from his dip in the river. “That river felt like liquid ice!” I said, drying my hair. Hammy squeaked in agreement. As we climbed higher, we saw fewer trees and bushes. We mostly saw small, sun-beaten shrubs clinging onto the rocky edges. About a minute later, I was standing on the top of the mountain, proud as a sailor who had just discovered a new island. It was getting late. A cool evening breeze dried off my soaking hair and ruffled Hammy’s dense, grey fur. I


Nobody knows what time is. Time stretches everywhere at different speeds, in peculiar shapes. In space, time expands with the universe. The speed of light is time— we just can’t see it. Soaring, vibrating, flashing, time can escape on feathered wings. Time has a mind of its own; it has a reason for what it chooses to do. On Earth, time slinks away when we don’t pay attention. Time is valuable, a privilege to have. People say they can tell time looking at clocks. But we don’t really know if that’s time. What is time to infinity? The movement of time ripples through space, connecting with other planets, speeding up and slowing down, expanding and contracting. Time came from the beginning of life and it will move on, sweeping humans, animals, living beings with it. In the end, the only thing we really need to know about time is what we do with it. Sofie Dardzinski, 9Potomac, MD