
September/October 2004

Days of Jubilee

Days of Jubilee by Patricia C. and Fredrick L. McKissack; Scholastic Press: New York, 2003; $18.95 The Declaration of Independence says that all men are created equal, with certain unalienable rights, which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. At one point in American history, that wasn’t true for millions of African-Americans in bondage […]

The Lone Straw Hat

The water. It used to be tranquil. A calm, yet dynamic giant, nourishing the life within. Sometimes its surface churned, purging the muddy banks of debris and stirring up the sediment on the bottom. Other times it was as still as a hot day in August. At these times the mud would settle to the […]

Water All Around

The sun rose as usual that morning, but no one saw it. There was no shortage of watchers; the two fishermen on Bell Island were up mending their nets, watching the horizon for the glow that would tell them it was time to set out, and the beady-eyed gulls were watching in their wary way […]