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Blue Jay photo by Dawn Huczek via Creative Commons

Having fun birdwatching yet? (Read my last 2 posts for great birdwatching information)

Here are 10 species of birds that you might find in your backyard (Eastern and Central US):

Robin: Gray on top and orange on belly. Medium sized; bigger than small songbirds and smaller than crows or geese. Like to look for worms on the ground.

Cardinal: Males are bright red all over with a black face. Females are brown with a red beak. Both have a crest(a pointy hat shape) on their heads. Cardinals are medium sized.

Blue Jay: Blue, white, and black. Medium sized. Has a crest.

Chipping sparrow: Small sparrows with brown and white streaks and stripes. Large reddish-brown cap on their heads with white and black next to it.

House Finch: Small finch with brown and white streaks. Males have red on their head and belly. Females don’t, but if you see one with a male house finch you can probably assume that she’s a house finch too.

Black-capped Chickadee: Small bird. Black cap on head with white face and tan belly.

Common Grackle: Medium sized bird. Black, with shiny green and purple head feathers that you can see sometimes. Yellow and black eyes.

Canada Goose: Goose with black neck and head, brown back, white belly, and webbed feet. They swim in water. They honk. You can see them flying together in a v shape.

Crow: Large and black. Makes classic “caw” sound

Vulture: Very large, black, with pink head. Flies in circles.


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