An update from our fifty-first Writing Workshop with Conner Bassett
A summary of the workshop held on Saturday, November 26
Somewhat of a theme for this fall session, this week we focused on another example of form poetry: the ghazal. In a ghazal, we learned, the poem is written in an unlimited amount of couplets; each couplet is grammatically complete—there is no enjambment; each couplet ends on the same word or phrase; and, in the penultimate or ultimate couplet there will be a proper name, and often the poet refers to themselves. We read five ghazals:
- "Derecho Ghazal" by Luisa A. Igloria
- "That's My Heart Right There" by Willie Perdomo
- "Rain" by Kazim Ali
- "It Is with Words as It Is with People" by Anthony Madrid
- "Wight" by Stanley Plumly
The Challenge: Write your own ghazal.
The Participants: Benedetta, Alice, Allie, Emma, Anushka, Aditi, Arjun, Ella, Madeline, Russell, Savi, Tate, Penelope
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